Leadership and Team Development


Building and leading teams to success doesn’t happen by accident. As a leader who wants their team to go to the next level, how are you going to transform your team culture to see that happen?

There are many ways in which to help you achieve your leadership and team development goals. Read on to find the one that provides the best fit for you.

Or, simply book a call with me. I can ask you a few questions, then recommend the best option to suit your individual situation.

5 Voices (Powered by GiANT)

How to increase Self-Awareness, Communication and Performance.

Here’s the Big Idea

Everyone has a leadership voice, whether they know it or not. From the quietest to the most gregarious, we all have the ability to lead others.

The Problem is…

Most people don’t know their leadership voice or how to use it. Some don’t know what it is, others are insecure in their voice and have been told it is unimportant, and others are unconsciously overpowering with their voices and inadvertently dominate the airwaves.

The Solution

The 5 Voices System is designed to enable every individual to discover their leadership voice, be empowered to use their voice effectively and understand and appreciate the other voices on the team.

Can you imagine a team of people who were self-aware, knew how to communicate, and were able to bring their best to the table every day?

What would that do for culture?  For productivity?  For profitability?

As a Certified Guide through “Giant worldwide” I am trained to guide your team through workshops which will improve communication and relationships leading to a high performing team.

Call to discover how you can access your 5 voice assessment and see how 5 voices can help you.

Myers Briggs ™

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI™) profile reveals how we see and interact with the world, giving insight into our motivation and the motivation of others. This provides a strong foundation for personal growth and development, underpinning enhanced personal effectiveness.

Leading you and your team through MBTI™ will mean:

  • A Deeper dive into Personality Type
  • Effective Team Dynamics
  • Exploration of Leadership Style
  • Better Decision Making
  • Effective management around Stress & Conflict
  • Coaching that takes personality into account

Book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to discuss your team performance challenges and explore solutions customised for you.

Myers Briggs

Maxwell Leadership™ Coaching and Training

Everyone desires and deserves to be led well.

This is the reason I am involved in Leadership development. It is the reason I have aligned with the Maxwell Leadership™ team as a certified member. To be the best I can be as a leader I mix with the best in leadership. You can do too.

If you have ever asked:

How can I expand my influence as a leader?

How can I improve as a leader?

How do I invest in my personal growth?

What is getting in the way of my leadership success?

Often I find leaders are head down in the day to day operational tasks of running a company, organisation, department or team. Making time to work on your leadership is key to your leadership success.

You are the change you seek and I can help coach you to improve your leadership, get clarity on direction.

Are you an accidental or intentional leader?

When people are led well:

  • Expectations are clearer
  • Communication is clearer
  • The culture created can cultivate high performance
  • They grow

Maxwell Leadership™ resources are available to you through coaching and training offered once we understand your unique challenges and circumstances.

Through coaching and training I help leaders and team members grow and increase their influence, create a high performance culture where all are heard and all can contribute.

Book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to find out how Maxwell Leadership™ Coaching and Training can help you.

I See You

I See You By Mark Billage

A thought-provoking and practical guide for creating a culture which realises the full potential of your team.

As a member of one of my teams put it often, “teamwork makes the dream work”. Teamwork in my experience depends on the culture set by the leader.

Do any of the following common problems resonate with you?

  • Poor communication
  • Unclear expectations
  • Team members misunderstanding each other
  • Trust is low
  • Lack of a common language to discuss problems
  • People not being heard
  • Lack of alignment with vision
  • Dominating voices
  • Lack of accountability

If one, two or maybe more are true for you then this book will help you move forward and develop a plan which if implemented can transform you and your team.

What’s it About?

In this book you’ll find a focus on solving two problems:

  • Where the team culture is getting in the way of its potential effectiveness
  • The leader sets the culture but is unaware of how their actions undermine their influence and team performance

If you are serious about leading your team well and creating a culture where they can bring their best, then this book is for you.

This book is designed to:

  • Provide practical leadership principles
  • Increase leadership influence
  • Create a more effective team
  • Increase team performance
  • Finetune your leadership skills and talent

With special content focused on leading a team in a non-profit organisation.

Free taster courses

Not sure if our coaching style is for you? Why not try one of our free taster courses:

Effective Leadership Mini-Course

Effective Leadership Mini-Course
Rachael Orrell - CEO Saltmine Trust
Our Vision

To train and equip leaders to transform culture, build successful teams and organisations where everyone is seen, heard and valued for their unique contribution.

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