Developing Team Resilience Remote Working Course
One thing that will give you and your team an advantage whilst working remotely is – RESILIENCE.
The good news is that remote working is not new. There are simple and significant actions that help individuals in teams to develop resilience in the middle of challenging situations, just like now.
How will this course benefit you?
Working remotely has been reported as something which can easily be isolating. To navigate working in this kind of environment needs more intentionality by the team leader. It is possible to build great resilience in remote teams.
This course will:
Enable you to understand the different pressures in working remotely
Give you tools to help build resilience in the team
Help you work out your own strategy to maintain resilience and therefore engagement with your team.
Who is this course designed for?
This online self- paced course, complimentary with the Resilience Factor is for Team Leaders wanting to build team resilience remotely.
What will be your action after the course?
To join the Resilience Factor Facebook group
Take the module on building team resilience in remote teams using:
- Trust
- Clear communication
- Culture
- Values
- Relationships
- Intentionality
To find out how this resilience course will benefit you. Click on the link below to request access.
This course is £25 if purchased as a standalone course