This last weekend I have been in sunny Orlando. This trip was not for leisure unfortunately and was quite full on. On Saturday a friend offered the chance to go and watch a scheduled rocket launch by SpaceX. The lift off was timed for 1am! I have never seen a launch and although tired and depleted I grabbed the opportunity not knowing when the opportunity would come round again.
It was an amazing experience; I had no idea it would light up the sky as it did. This was a relatively simple opportunity to take advantage of and I am glad I did. In life and work you will be presented with opportunities – what decides whether you grab them or pass?
“When one door closes, another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” ― Alexander Graham Bell
This quote is so true. Too often you can allow experience to dictate your response to an opportunity. Challenges and crises will at different times impact you. The question is still to ask yourself, ‘as difficult as this was what have I learnt about myself, others and how to handle this kind of challenge?’
When you take this posture, it is not to deny the possible hurt or sense of overwhelm you had at the time, it is to recognise that even in the most difficult of circumstances you can still learn. In learning there is hope to turn a situation around. What will help you position yourself so that you can grab opportunity when it presents itself despite the complication or inconvenience it is dressed up in?
The following hacks will help you decide.
Opportunity Hacks
1. Be clear about where you are going. What goals in life or work have you set? What is the dream or vision you are heading towards? When you know what this looks like then your brain will seek ways in which to fulfil your goals. You will literally train your mind to look and recognise opportunities that line up with your dream.
2. Take a risk. Every journey begins with the first step. Keep your eye on the reward as you evaluate the risk. The bigger the dream often the bigger the risk. You are probably able to do more than you think. Surround yourself with good advisers but at the end of the day you will have to step out.
3. Evaluate the opportunity as objectively as possible. There are different ways in which you can evaluate an opportunity. For me, there are two crucial ones. Firstly, is the opportunity likely to get you closer to your goal or not? Secondly, move towards the opportunity if it is in alignment with your values and beliefs. When you know your values decisions like this are easier.
4. Remember opportunities are often hidden inside a crisis. When a crisis blows up you can focus on the storm and managing the immediate. Inside these events are opportunities which means the adversity can be turned to an advantage. The truth is you learn more through challenge and adversity particularly about yourself which makes you better equipped to lead well in the future.
To get clear on your goals and values send me an email at mark@smartculture.uk and set up a discovery call to get you on your next step to achieving your dream.