In my last blog we talked around the impact of trust on a team, particularly as it relates to the influence a leader has. A lack of trust undermines a leader’s influence. At the heart of this is my passion to see teams thrive. Teams come together for a reason – be it a project or a department within a larger organisation – they are put together to achieve something. And, as I said last time, trust is the oil in the engine of team performance. My passion is to enable teams to reach their potential. It appears though that there may be a trust crisis.
An email dropped in my inbox this week from Marcus Buckingham who works with the ADP Institute. In 2020 they completed a global workplace study on engagement and resilience. One of their findings around trust in leadership should make us sit up and take note. When you trust your leaders, you are more likely to be engaged and bring your best, but only 7% of those interviewed felt that they had that level of trust in their lives. This is the lowest it has ever been! In short, we have a trust crisis.
Leadership Motive
I’d love to know what your experience of leadership is. How has leadership impacted the level of trust in teams you have been a part of? For people to give their best, trust in leadership is crucial. How can low levels of trust be reversed?
“Leadership is not an affair of the head. Leadership is an affair of the heart.\” James Kouzes and Barry Posner
This quote reminds me that to be a great leader it is important to have the right motivation. That motivation is a heart motivation that recognises that as leaders we have a responsibility to work for the highest good of those that we lead. When we don’t do that, it becomes evident in our decision making and attitude towards the tasks that come along with our responsibility as leaders.
With the right heart motivation, I believe a leader will create a better team culture – a culture that has a currency based around trust, that enables people to make their best contribution. This currency of trust will lead to a more engaged and a more resilient team. Leaders who better understand their role in defining the team culture, and learn how to change their thinking, will create a team that performs at a higher level.
The truth is that trust is earned. Initially it maybe that the nameplate on the door declaring your position as a leader will carry some weight. What increases your influence is when you are a leader worth following. This begins with your heart motive being aligned with the empowerment and liberation of those that you lead.
“Good leadership isn’t about advancing yourself. It’s about advancing your team.” John C. Maxwell
Exciting Announcement
This brings me to the announcement I mentioned last week. During lockdown I started reflecting on the fact that so many find their experience of teams less than it can be. To that end I have written a book around transforming team culture. It is based on my own experience and research amongst team leaders. Within it, it provides leadership principles to help create an environment that produces higher performance.
It is called “I See You.” Here is the front cover, and over the next few weeks I will reveal some of the content that I believe will help you as leaders to take your team to the next level. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for journeying with me so far.
Stay Safe.
Photo by Above Liza Summer from Pexels