Today I thought I would draw the curtain back a little on how coaches work with you to succeed as a business owner, leader, or just in life. People get into running a business for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps one of your reasons was sovereignty over your time. But as time goes on it seems like the business is running you not you running the business. This can be because so many different things are competing for your time. Prioritising is key and then it is crucial to hold your focus. As a coach I help my clients hold the focus; to keep their eye on what they want to achieve.
The temptation is to get off the topic you want to focus on. My role as your coach is to help you hold the focus. This enables you to work on the outcome and come up with the actions which will get you to your goals. As your coach I am focused on your success whatever that looks like to you.
The reality of the everyday can seem quite different. Do you wish you had the time to work on your business instead of the overwhelm of the seemingly never-ending demands on your time? By making space for the time with a coach you can focus on those things that will definitely move your team, business, or organisation to the success you desire.
“Focus does not come naturally to us, yet it is essential for anyone who wants to make the most of his talent. Having talent without focus is like being an octopus on roller skates. You can be sure that there will be plenty of movement, but you won’t know in what direction it will be.” John Maxwell
When I was a financial adviser, I was amazed at the amount of post I received about different products – everything seemed to have equal value. When I set my focus on specific areas of advice then I was able to decide what to read and what went straight in the bin. When you know where you are going then you can decide what is valuable to you and what is just a distraction. Distractions, those things that ‘seem’ important, are the enemy of your success.
How to Keep Your Focus
1. Focus on what you must do today. Yesterday has gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed. What must you do today that will get you to where you want to be?
2. Focus on now. The temptation when you get to this time of the year is to think the year has nearly ended and focus on the next year. Yet I want to challenge you. If you focus you will be amazed at what you can achieve. As you come to the close of 2022 what one thing do you want to achieve before the end of the year?
3. Focus on what only you can do. You are not good at everything. How could you bring in other people’s strengths so you can maximise yours? What are the things you do where time seems to fly by because you are just in the flow?
4. Focus on the reasons you are doing what you do. Whether you are a business owner, a leader in your company, or the CEO, reflect on why you are there. Those reasons give you energy and keep you engaged with what you are doing. So, use them to see if what you are doing now is aligned with this.
5. Focus on your values. When you know what your values are then the decisions you make concerning your work will become easier.
6. Focus on your growth. When you grow you will achieve your goals. Invest in your personal development. You owe it to those you lead, and you owe it to yourself to unlock your potential.
In my experience having someone else who can walk with you and ask you powerful questions brings you clarity of purpose and priority. Someone who gives you permission to dream and think so you can work on your business and your leadership, is invaluable.
Book a complimentary discovery call with me here, so you too can focus on the things which will enable you to succeed.
Thanks to Zachary Keimig for the photo