Ignite, Lead, Transform

Wednesday 15th May 2024 - 9:00am - 4:00pm

In partnership with

Wednesday 15th May 2024

9:00am - 4:00pm

Kaleidoscope Plus Group, Hope Place,
321 High Street, West Bromwich, B70 8LU

*a £50 discount is available to charities

About Andy Mullaney

Andy Mullaney, born and bred in the Black Country, is a proud family man who has a 35-year career in banking, finance and community development behind him.
Now a published author, a mentor, a coach, a mental health first aider, public speaker and a regular volunteer, Andy is passionate about giving back to others, wanting to deliver a better legacy for those that follow. He is also a huge advocate for mentoring and the benefits that this can bring to everyone in our world.
His debut self help book, “Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell You? It’s All A Game!” was first published in 2021 and has just been reprinted. Andy reflects that “the principle theme of the book is my belief that life is a game, a series of games in fact, that we can choose to play in full consciousness in order to survive and sometimes win. The book can be seen as a route map, guide, series of tips, experiences and reference points to ensure that there is help, hope and handholds on the cliff face of life.”

Values, Branding and Unique Selling Points. Why they are more important than ever to you, your business and your clients.

In a world where the pace of change, desire to win, get rich quick and often lose sight of what is really important, Andy Mullaney explores just how important values are to a business, how they affect your brand, how they can become a unique selling point, and ultimately how they can positively influence everyone who you come into contact with. As Michelle Obama said “I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values – and follow my own moral compass – the only expectations I need to live up to are my own.”

About Mark Billage

Mark is the founder of Smart Culture Ltd. He is currently enjoys work as a leadership development coach/trainer. Coaching leaders/CEOs, business owner/managers and developing their teams towards culture transformation. His heart is to create environments where team members can enjoy work, bring their best contribution and where they are led well.
Specifically, he works with leaders and teams to increase self-awareness; embed values, develop effective team communication which transforms team culture and enable businesses and organisations to grow and go to the next level.
He is a published author  “I See You” on transforming team culture. He has served in leadership roles for over 25 years, is part of Maxwell Leadership Team, a member of the International Coaching Federation and an associate coach with New Level Results since 2021. He serves as a trustee with three different Charities, taking the role of Board Chair with two of them.
His passion – creating fearless organisations one leader at a time.

Agile leadership in uncertain times. Being a leader who creates Trust, Innovation and Safety.

As leaders you have more information and technology available to you than at any other time in history. At the same time you are seeing a crisis of trust, mental well being and engagement in your organisations and teams. How can you lead well in such an environment? In this talk Mark will lead you through practical applicable content and thinking that will equip you to not only survive as a leader but thrive, so those you lead can too.

About Dave Rogers

Dave Rogers is a dynamic speaker, coach, and business consultant, leveraging his insatiable curiosity to ignite the spark that propels your business to new heights. With a background spanning diverse industries, including Hospitality, Manufacturing, and Construction and a versatile skill set encompassing Operations, Finance, and Sales & Marketing, Dave isn’t just a speaker—he’s fuelled by a genuine passion for empowering individuals and guiding you towards achieving brilliant results.

Winning Hands - Unveiling the Poker Playbook for Exceptional Experiences

Maya Angelou famously said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” In this talk from Dave Rogers, learn how the worlds of high-stakes poker and hospitality collide to create an environment to deliver exceptional experiences for your people, clients, and customers.

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